Examples for "network of aquaculture centres in asia-pacific"
After the War, he became a research pilot for the NationalAdvisoryCommitteeforAeronautics, the predecessor of NASA.
Before looking up a private engineer I had in mind, I went to the NationalAdvisoryCommitteeforAeronautics.
I tried to get Charles to come along, but he was busy in Washington with the NationalAdvisoryCommitteeforAeronautics.
Theoretical work on lifting bodies began in the United States in the 1950s at NationalAdvisoryCommitteeforAeronautics (NACA) laboratories.
To get the answer I contacted NationalAdvisoryCommitteeforAeronautics Laboratory at Langley AFB, a government agency which specializes in aeronautical research.
A heterodimeric protein complex that can reversibly bind to ribosomes, and is located in direct proximity to newly synthesized polypeptide chains as they emerge from the ribosome.